Tasty Slow Cooker Italian Beef Stew.
Tasty Slow Cooker Italian Beef Stew. considering Beef Cubes, Large Carrot, Diced Onion, Potatoes, Celery Stalk, buoyant Peas, Canned Tomatoes, Flour, Bay Leaves, Olive Oil, blithe Rosemary, Salt, Pepper
The ingredient of Tasty Slow Cooker Italian Beef Stew
- 3 4 pound beef cubes
- 1 large carrot divided
- 1 diced onion small
- 7 8 pound potatoes cut into large cubes
- 1 celery stalk estranged
- 1 3 8 cups open peas
- 1 2 3 cups canned tomatoes peeled
- 1 tablespoon flour
- 2 bay leaves
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 sprig vivacious rosemary
- salt
- pepper
Nutritions of Tasty Slow Cooker Italian Beef Stew
@type: nutritioninformation@type: 240 calories
@type: 38 grams
@type: 7 grams
@type: 8 grams
@type: 7 grams
@type: 1 grams
@type: 350 milligrams
@type: 6 grams
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