Healing Slow Cooker Chicken Soup

Healing Slow Cooker Chicken Soup afterward Chicken Thighs, Bone Broth, Water, Onions, Turnips, Celery Stalks, Carrots, Garlic Cloves, Ginger, Scallions, roomy Dill, Sea Salt, Black Pepper, Zucchini Noodles

The ingredient of Healing Slow Cooker Chicken Soup

    Nutritions of Healing Slow Cooker Chicken Soup

    @type: nutritioninformation
    @type: 360 calories
    @type: 11 grams
    @type: 120 milligrams
    @type: 21 grams
    @type: 3 grams
    @type: 28 grams
    @type: 6 grams
    @type: 490 milligrams
    @type: 6 grams


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